

Dear Sisters,

Now that the Easter season is here, we thought we would share with you what we gave up for Lent and how it went. You can probably guess by the title that we gave up Makeup. Here’s how we all felt about it:

Ruth– So first of all, for me, it was absolutely terrifying at times. Which coming from me is saying a lot. One of my gifts that I’ve been blessed with is the fact that I have never really cared what other people think about me. But I still have insecurities just like every other girl. I have acne that will flare up overnight, insane curly hair, I’m super pale, and “girl stuff” honestly doesn’t come naturally to me. I’ve never been a girly-girl. I’ve always passionately hated the color pink, and I would rather roll around with a dog or go groom a horse than go shopping on most days. So when we all started talking about giving up make-up for 40 days, I was surprisingly terrified! I mean, I’m not a girly-girl, I shouldn’t care that much, right?? Wrong. Sometimes instead of using makeup to enhance my natural beauty, I use it to “connect myself” to other girls. It makes me feel pretty and like I’m not some weirdo who just doesn’t know how to be a normal American teenage girl. (Who wouldn’t want to be that. *sarcasm*) So yeah, I was surprisingly horrified at the thought of giving up makeup. Ash Wednesday went well, but then came THURSDAY. AKA the day our Youth Group meets. And also the day I see the guy I like. Yeah. But you know what???? NO ONE EVEN MENTIONED THE FACT THAT I WASN’T WEARING MAKEUP!!!!! And pretty soon, I forgot about the fact myself! I wasn’t “Ruth who decided to not wear makeup” anymore. I was just Ruth. And I liked the feeling. So yeah, I was scared. But I’m so glad I did it. I am wearing makeup again. I like the fun of putting it on and wearing it! But the difference is that now, I know that I’m wearing it because like it and so that I can draw out my natural beauty a bit. Not because other people like it. Not because I feel ugly without it. And that’s how it should be.

Esther– Being very busy and very desirous of sleep, I didn’t often have a chance to put on makeup before getting to ballet first thing in the morning. However, I am still a regular teen, who would look at my face in the mirror, compare it with all the other girls’ faces, and find the flaws and the features in my own appearance. So when we roped each other into giving up makeup literally one hour before Ash Wednesday fasting started, my motivation was not so much to reduce an obsession with wearing makeup. Rather it was to realize that I am a beautiful masterpiece created in God’s divine image, no matter how I think I look. The fact that I had a commitment to no makeup made me draw more attention to my image in the mirror, but I think that was for the best. Instead of pondering the fact that my face reflected the all-nighter I had pulled previously for chemistry, I began to look at myself and gently remind myself that as a young woman, I am the most beautiful of all God’s majestic creation. Instead of the acne, I was able to see myself as a lovely, unique, and blessed daughter and spouse of God. Making the resolution to go makeup free also gave me the opportunity to step back and reflect on the vocation of women and how makeup should be used. As a woman, I am called to reflect the beauty of my Master, and this includes trying to look my best, without allowing it to distract myself or others from the dignity and loveliness I was given at conception. Wearing makeup is a way to enhance my beauty, not cover up physical flaws. After Lent, am I still somewhat self-conscious and learning to embrace myself as fearfully made? Definitely. But I’m certainly well on that path and have been blessed by ditching makeup for 6 weeks.

Veronica– I’ll be honest: this wasn’t my idea. When Ruth and Esther first suggested that it could a helpful thing to do together, I didn’t really want to do it. To be honest, the idea of going completely without makeup for 40 days scared me.
I had told myself that the reason I wear makeup is mainly that I enjoy it as just a fun hobby, even as a form of art, and I could totally go without it if needed, but the fact remained that I was scared to give it up.
But they talked me into it. And I am so glad they did. I might even say that they just helped give me the courage to do something that I was afraid to do on my own and put aside whatever reservations I may or may not have had to just do it.
And, I’ll be honest, it was hard. There were some times that I really just wished I could put some concealer under my tired eyes or sweep on some blush to help me look a little more awake. But slowly, I got used to it. I got to a point where I didn’t think about running an errand or attending an event without wearing any makeup. Sure, I had some moments where I felt a little insecure about my appearance, but you know what? No one commented on it. No one acted shocked or judged me for how I look bare-faced. I don’t know if they even noticed a difference. For me, most of my reluctance to go without makeup came solely from my own insecurity. This experience helped reinforce to me that makeup truly is an unnecessary thing. Yes, it is fun, and I still enjoy it, but my worth is not dependent upon whether I have mascara on my eyelashes or not. I was able to look beyond some of the physical imperfections I see in myself to appreciate the beauty and dignity that I have received from my Creator.
All our love,
Veronica, Ruth, and Esther

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